Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Grape Escape: Day 104

Do you remember that board game 'Grape Escape?' The one where the point of it was to make a grape and try to get it through the whole set without smashing your grape? I feel like that play dough grape. I run from my crushing. That's normal. It's definitely something a normal person would do. BUT I am not normal.
Galatians 6:14 "...The world has been crucified to me through the cross, and I to the world." Crucified. Crushed. Dead. Buried. Crushed like a grape that has given its life, poured out. Like Christ.  Being crushed and not allowing someone to mistreat you are two different things. Being crushed and being offended at not getting the credit you deserve are two contrasting behaviors. Yes, by the world's standards I am in the right for throwing the girl I work with under the bus and quitting, but by God's standards I was in that place for that task. To love her and to be crushed so that I produced a thirst-quenching life-giving drink. I failed by giving up and moving on. 
Why then do I desire to stay? It started when a guy at work said,"Please, don't quit." Wow. My friend helped me see that I wanted to stay because I loved and feed off of the validation I get and security from being in a group with people who don't like my coworker. Instead of hanging my head and moving on, I started to feel indignation. I began to say, 'Who is she to push me around?Nobody likes her anyway.'  It would satisfy my flesh to cut her down. I remember the last time I really put someone "in their place" and I never want to feel that kind of regret again. It's safe to say that I was just being apprehensive about my new job, because I was finally getting the sympathy and the validation that I crave. I was harboring it and nurturing it.  Luckily, my friend saw right through the situation to the real issues at war in my head and helped me see what kind of mistake it would be to stay at a place where I had made a lot of poor decisions. I have a fresh start here. God, please help me not mess this up. Amen.


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