Saturday, March 17, 2012

Prone to Wonder

I haven't been acting myself, or have I? Is it acting like myself when I am moody and irritated at every situation and person? Yes. I haven't been modeling Christ to a dying world is what the issue has been. I need to be connected to the Source of life and start acting like Salt and not vinegar. It's so easy for me to be critical and pick everything apart and not enjoy things. If I were to just act like some of the wonderful people I work with Christian or not, I would be more pleasant. So where is the disconnect.

Craig Strickland said, "Sin is saying to God: you have not met my need." So that's what I have been doing. I can't foster these thoughts and lies and expect to feel life bubbling out of me. I know that I need to focus on Christ. The remedy is to remember that He is GOOD. He does not cause His children to needlessly suffer. I also asked for this. I came here to grow. So I need to grow. I am growing .. This is hard, but, Lord, you are the source of life. Help me follow you!

Let thy goodness, like a fetter, 
 bind my wandering heart to thee. 
 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, 
 prone to leave the God I love; 
 here's my heart, O take and seal it, 
 seal it for thy courts above.

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